Good To Know:

Oopsie!Either you knew everything or there was a problem in fetching my facts

Posted by : Unknown Tuesday 18 September 2012

Hacking Facebook (Part 2)

Retrieving saved passwords:

Saving your passwords on a friend's system or in an internet cafe is not at all a good idea!because saved passwords can easily be retrieved.

chrome saving passwords

chrome prompting to save passwords

mozilla save password prompt

Mozilla prompting to save passwords

Once the passwords have been saved,it is very easy to retrieve them.

In Chrome:

Chrome provides the least security for saved passwords.the saved passwords can be retreived in following way :
retreaving saved chrome passwords

chrome saved passwords

chrome-show saved passwords

Clicking on show password displays your password as plain text.

In Mozilla:

veiw saved passwords in mozilla

mozilla saved passwords

mozilla saved passwords

mozilla veiw saved passwords

mazilla show passwords


  • Never Ever save your passwords on any other machine unless you own it and is private.
  • Clear all the Browsing data after usage
  • use Master password in Mozilla to save passwords

mozilla use master password

set master password mozilla

set master password mozilla

mozilla master password changed

Key logging:

I Love this thing!It is soo awesome and you will also love it after you try this.

In this technique the key strokes(every input that comes from the keyboard) is captured and stored for us to use it for Later.

There are some advanced key loggers which even take a video of what happens on the screen

Ok,lets try something,

Ardmax Keylogger:

Ardmax keylogger

 wow,look at it stand there! ok lets get into the topic,

Download and install Ardmax in any system on which you want to spy on,datz it!its simple as that!

Download ardmax


or click here.

  • Now follow the below shown steps to successfully install ardmax into victims computer

ardmax notification

ardmax options

ardmax logs

ardmax invisibility

ardmax schedule

ardmax password

ardmax shortcuts

ardmax delivery

ardmax mail delivery

click ok and you are done!

the logs will be sent to your mail in your defined time and it is completely invisible to any can take a look at the log files,

Ardmax logs in mailbox:

ardmax mail logs

ardmax key logs

ardmax screen shots

Key Logs:

ardmax keylogs

ardmax key log password

We need to work a bit to understand the logs sent by ardmax,once you get them handy,it would be fun!

In the above log,we can easily understand that victim opened Yahoo Messanger,then what would he/she enter first?the username,right?so the first text would be the username.and the space indicates a change in feild,so he/she must have clicked on password box,so the second thing he/she enters is the password! some times the space is not given,then you have to start working with all possible cases.

Similarly in the second log it is a case with Facebook.

i will be soon posting a tutorial on remote installation of ardmax and getting a free version of it.

you can also search for:
  • Micro keylogger
  • beyond keylogger
  • kgb keylogger
  • snipperspy
  • refog
  • ghost etc keyloggers.


  • Never let others access your machine,it works for all :)
  • keep a track on the processes running.
  • Use virtual keyboards when entering critical data on others computers

virtual keyboard

Virtual keyboard in windows: Win+u ->Start on screen keyboard.

  • if it is Ardamax,use Ardamax Removal tool to safely remove ardmax.


or click here.

you can check out my complete tutorial on keylogging

Mobile Authentication:

It works if you have access to the victims mobile which is registered with Facebook.all you have to do is goto facebook page, click forgot password,

facebook mobile authentication

  • Enter victims phone number in the first column,then

reset password using mobile number

  • Uncheck the first check is to prevent the victim from getting any doubt.check the second checkbox and click rest password.

  • then check the victims phone for a message from Facebook, copy the small code in that message and enter it in the next screen and then it asks you for a new password!you've successfully Hacked it :)


Never give your mobile phone to others ;)

Update status from a friends account:

All you need is physical access to victims phone.if you have it, just send a text message containing the status you want to update from his mobile to the number "9232232665" and you are done,the status gets updated on his account.


  • Never give your mobile phone to others
  • Activate Mobile pin,so that every time you want to update a status via mobile,you need to first enter the pin,give a space then start typing your status.

status update pin for facebook

Datz it for today,have Fun :)

If you got any Doubts,comment them i'll surely get to you :)

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