Good To Know:

Oopsie!Either you knew everything or there was a problem in fetching my facts

Posted by : Unknown Monday 10 September 2012

You know Facebook is cool right? But what if i tell you that you know only a part of it, there are a lot of cool or even awesome things you can do with Facebook. Previously you might have read about some of them from various sources,and also keep searching for them.So i've decided to take the opportunity of being a show stopper and present you some of the best and awesome tricks for Facebook.

     First of all,i would like to suggest you to disable browse only from HTTP Secure connections option for your account coz some of the apps may not be supported by SSL, and remember that would not make your account vulnerable,you can enable it back after you've used your app.And to make it a bit simpler for me,i've used the word URL  to specify the link address you must use to visit the corresponding app

Disabling Secure Browsing:

Goto Account settings -> Security ->secure browsing ->Disable it

disable secure browsing

Or you can click here if you want me to take you to your Security Page

Live TV On Facebook:

Now you can watch live tv on Facebook,

live tv on facebook

Using this app,you can stream many of the International channels for free.Recently olympics was also broad casted on this app.


or click here

Sync photos:

Got some of your favorite pics on your Google+,twitter or even Drop box?want them on Facebook? now stop downloading them and again uploading them,all you need to do is have a visit to
It lets you sync your photos between various social networking sites,Gdrive,Dropbox etc.

sync facebook photos


or click here

Delete your Facebook account permanently:

  This trick is completely useless to most of us,But there is no harm in learning it,

And by Delete,i mean all your Data from the Facebook servers will be wiped out,&you will not be able to access that account again.if you want to temporarily go off Facebook,you can just deactivate your Facebook account.

delete facebook permenantly


 or click here

Download Facebook Photo Albums:

Had a party last night,But forgot to carry my camera!no problem my friend brought his cam and he took snaps of all the amazing moments :) but he asked me to download them all by myself from Facebook :/

Now what do i do?open each and every picture,and click on options and then Download them ! but, there are about 200 pictures :O ,that takes me about 3 hours to download them all,i better get started ! Lol, i need not work that hard to get them, just visit

download facebook photo albums

Login with you account

 some of the Coolest Facebook tricks

select your friends name or leave it blank to browse your albums

 some of the Coolest Facebook tricks

select the album you want to download and click next

 some of the Coolest Facebook tricks

Then click download.Easy isn't it?


or click here

Update an Empty status:

empty status update

to pulish an eampty status as in the above image, update "@[2:2: ]"(without quotation marks) as your status.



Find who Unfriended you:

To find out who unfriended you on facebook, just visit

what that site basically does is,it saves your friend list on its data base when you first vist the site and from then,when ever you vist it again,it checks the previous friend list,finds the missing friends and displays them

who unfriended you


or click here

Download Facebook videos:

Download Facebook videos from the site

download facebook videos


or click here

Post your updates on Facebook in all the groups with a single click:

If you ever want to post an update of yours or any other kind of post in many groups on facebook,stop doing it manually coz it takes consumes alot of your valuable,let the MULTI POST app do it for you.
you can post in multiple selected groups with a single click. visit Multi post


or click here


this one is my favorite!you can generate fake status updates,relationship statuses,likes,friend requests,messsages etc by using The wall machine

wall machine

There are two steps you need to follow,
1.First of all,connect with your Facebook,
2. Start having funn!!

wall machine

This is the basic template alloted to you.All you have to do is click on the element you want to Edit and start Editing.

wall machine google

For the photo,you can upload one or instantly get pics from Google or even use your Facebook friend images

wall machine

wall machine

Rolf !

Fake news Generator:

It has nothing to do with Facebook but,it too can be fun

It allows you to generate Fake news about someone

just select your topic,give in victims name and if you want to make fun of your Facebook friend then Also give their Facebook ID and click Finish!

More Tricks are yet to come :)

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