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- Hack windows 7 Experience Index
Posted by : Unknown
Thursday, 15 August 2013
Windows Experience Index!one of the best scales to compare between computers running windows.if you don't know what it is yet,you can just check it out by right clicking on My computer -> system properties.there you would see the Windows Experience Index.
what basically those numbers mean is,how good your computer is on a scale of 1 to 7.9 the over all experience index is given by the least index of various assessments like the processor,RAM,Hard disk data transfer rate etc.Ever felt like want to boost up those numbers?may be even to brag about your computer with your friends or something?yes it can be done,very easily.so lets get started!
- First just check out the windows experience report of your system,here is mine
yup minez got a poor graphics performance for the record :P
- So what we will do is,just search for the file where windows stores this data,i mean these scores,tinker it to our desired values and make windows believe that these are the scores obtained from the previous assessment
- First go to the following location
- there you will see a number of xml files.what you can do is sort them in accordance with date as you need to change the latest report
- mine contains only one set of file,as you can see all of them start with the same date,i've cleared the old ones.yours might have many,you need to find the recent set
- we need to edit that report which has Formal.Assesment in its name.open it with notepad
- now search for <WinSPR> it lies quit close to the begining of the file if you can just scroll a bit or you can us find option (cntrl+F)
- now our scores lie between tags,an opening pair and a closing pair i you are not familiar with xml,
- The value between <SystemScore> and </SystemScore> is the overall Experience index value.you can see in the below image that i've changed it to 7.9 instead of 4.6
- Similarly you can change other scores as well
<MemoryScore> - for ram
<CpuScore> - for processor rating
<GraphicsScore> - for graphics rating
<GamingScore> - for gaming graphics
<DiskScore> - for Primary hard disk score
- After changing them,goto file,click save as and save this file with a .xml extension (Donot change the name! ) and the file type as all files in some other location take desktop.
- now copy the saved file from desktop and paste it in