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- A simple Calculator using batch
Posted by : Unknown
Saturday, 3 August 2013
to create a simple calculator using batch program,copy the below code and paste it into your notepad
@echo off
title simple calculator
color 1f
echo welcome :D
set /p x=Enter calculation :
set /a result =%x%
echo the result is %result%
echo the previous Result is: %result%
goto start
save it as calculator.bat and the run it.
- @echo off - to avoid the display of current path
- title simple calculator - to set the title of the command window (the top part)
- color 1f - to set the color of the background,text where 1f is the color code for blue,white (type in "color help" to see the color codes,trust me they are not at all complicated )
- echo - just to print someting onto the screen
- :start - indicating the start of a loop
- set /p x=enter calculation: - to choose a variable x so as to receive an inout from the user and store it.
- set /a result = %x% -copy the data from the variable x into another variable result and perform the arthamatic calculation.( variable x is represented as %x% it is the notaion used to represent variables in batch )
- echo result - to display the value in the variable result
- echo. - to enter a new line
- pause - to wait untill the user presses another key (see that line waiting at the bottom of the screen saying "press any key..." its a result of this pause command what it does is it simply waits before proceeding to the next line of code )
- cls - to clear the screen
- goto start - instruction to go back to the place where :start is and start executing from the next line.
see our batch section for more tutorials